We are a local body of believers on a mission to take the Gospel of Christ
to those who do not know Him. Here at Trinity, we believe in serving God
by loving people because every person matters. It is because
of the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19) that we are here.
This building that we meet in on Sunday mornings is not the Church
but a place where we come to celebrate what God has done for
His Church (God’s people) through corporate worship.
We firmly believe that our mission is on the other side of the doors
of this building as we live out our lives for Christ during the rest of the week.
The body of believers here are guided through the living word of God by
the Holy Spirit. This is the reason why we preach and teach
verse by verse taking nothing out of context.
123 Brockway Road Chehalis, WA 98532 (360)-748-1886Our Gatherings
Adult/ Children Sunday School
10:00 AM – Worship Service
Communion First Sunday of the Month
6:00 PM Mid-Week Gathering, Bible Study, In-person and Via Zoom
8:30 AM Men’s Breakfast Second Saturday of the Month
9:00 AM Staff Meeting Every third Saturday of the Odd Month

The Message
Please join us as we walking through the Gospel of John Step by step, verse by verse.

About Us
