Family Fellowship (Potluck)
At Trinity we share a potluck style lunch on the last Sunday of each month. Please bring a dish to share. But if you forget please join us anyway.
Communion Sunday
At Trinity Christian Fellowship worship we observe Communion the first Sunday of every month. Being mindful that Communion is a command of Jesus for us to remember what He has done for us until He returns.
For Kids’ Sake
Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.
Logan District
Mid Week Gathering
Our mid week gathering is simply living life together. We start the night with prayer, dinner and a Bible Study. In doing this we model the New Testament church who meet in homes daily sharing prayer, food and the word of God. For more info. contact us at: contact@trinitychehalis.org