I’m New
We would like to take this opportunity to welcome you. So whether you regularly worship with another body of believers or do not attend church anywhere you are welcome here. Our desire is to be one body in Christ Jesus as we worship in Spirit and Truth. However, we would like to mention that we are not perfect and will make mistakes so if you’re looking for a perfect church we’re not it, But as a body of believers our goal is to be the hands and feet of Jesus taking His Gospel message to a hurting world that desperately need Jesus, while teaching them to obey Him (Matthew 28:19).
We at Trinity are simple people who worship in word and deed. We believe that the word of God is true, without error, and is still relevant for today. We are not performers seeking to entertain you; our purpose is to preach and teach the Gospel of Christ.
We desire to offer the hope of Christ Jesus to our community by living as the church until Jesus returns. Our membership is composed of those who love the Lord Jesus and are willing to leave the minor points of doctrine to their own conscience so that the Gospel won’t be hindered.
However, this does not mean that we accept anything as the truth of God. Rather, it means we accept people as they are letting the Word of God reveal His truth to them. Yes, we are willing to have a conversation about the minor points of doctrine, but the Gospel is first and always!!!

What you won’t find here at
- Perfect people pretending to be a perfect church.
- A fancy dressed preacher with elegant words.
- Someone telling you how easy it is to live for Jesus and go to Heaven.
- A watered down Gospel that tells you how you deserve the best things in life.
What you will find at Trinity
- Redemned people saved by Christ Jesus who desire to serve the Father with everything we have while loving others as ourselves.
- Believers who were in need of a savior and have found one in Christ Jesus (Actually He found us).
- Believers that believe that Jesus died on the cross and rose on the third day for the remission of our sins.
- Believers who understand that the work was finished on the cross by Jesus and now He works through us.
- Believers who understand that we are the church of Christ and we will make mistakes, but we will learn from them.
- Believers who put on their Sunday best every day believing that Christianity is not a religion but a way of life in Christ Jesus.
- Believers who will not only tell you how difficult life is going to be in Christ, but who are willing to walk with you through it.
- Believers who are seeking the Kingdom of Heaven by living in obedience to Jesus.
- Believers who will tell you the truth about the Gospel of Christ according to scripture and are not ashamed of it.
So if you are looking for that perfect Church, we’re not it.
But if you desire to worship Jesus, we welcome you with open arms.